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Our policy states that any information we collect from you will only be used to contact you and under no circumstances will it be sold or disclosed to any third party. Basic information for their visitors is tracked across all web servers. This information can be IP and browser details, time zone and pages, but it is not limited to the above. The above information cannot identify visitors to this website.

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You Are In Great Hands

We’ve matched over 200 families with loving puppies from our prominent breeders over the past 25 years.

Our commitment to you, our new puppy family, is for a lifetime. We understand the importance of receiving a healthy, happy puppy and we work hard every day…

We have decades of experience in caring for and raising our own puppies, and we work only with other breeders who share our passion and commitment for…

Our puppies are bred with care and attention to detail

A House where every dog has space to fully enjoy the pristine

nature. We want to turn our passion into the largest

puppy breeder



© Copyright 2002 – Swass Gentel Puppies

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